joi, 17 martie 2011


You access the Options Menu by clicking on the gold cog icon on the right hand side of your gaming window (just underneath the Add Kingdoms Cash Button). I will detail the features within the menu going from top to bottom below, a red tick in a box means that option is active, a blank box means it is disabled, just click in a box to change from one to the other.

Sound Effects

There are two boxes, one for Music and one for Sound, these options were formerly on the right hand side of your gaming window.

Game Options

The top two options here are:

Map (for removing or reinstating the Land of Isdyle background map).

Bonus, this is the one most of us have been waiting for and removing the tick disables the “stars and balls”, please bear in mind that disabling the Bonus feature means that you will not receive any bonus mana. Reagents will still pop out of the ground whilst you are harvesting crops if you have disabled the Bonus feature but as there are not so many of these this should prove less irritating.

The next two options are: 

Enchantments (there are three leaf icons each with a box underneath), place a tick in the box for the effect you want – the first icon is for sparkles, the second is for glow and the third is no effects at all. Enchantments refers to the effects that you can choose from that are visible (or not if you choose the third leaf) when your neighbours have enchanted your crops.

Show Quests, removing the tick from this box will remove all Quest icons from your gaming window, putting it back will replace the icons. This is a great feature for those who don’t want to bother doing Quests or wish to stop before they have completed the series.

Hide/Show Kingdom Items

This feature is not yet available but is coming soon and will allow us to choose to hide certain categories of items on our kingdoms if we wish (Trees, Artifacts, Creatures, Decorations and Crops), this could be useful in a number of ways.

As with the other options, it appears that this feature (when it is available) is simple enough to use by clicking to either replace or remove a tick in the various boxes.

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